Adobe Sign - Installation and Usage for Planning

Adobe Sign - Installation and Usage for Planning

Adobe Sign Installation through Microsoft Teams

1. Open Microsoft Teams

2. Click the Apps button in the lower left of the window:

3. In the center pane, you may see Popular in your org and Adobe Acrobat Sign. If so, click it:

4. If you do not see it, search for it by typing adobe in the search bar in the upper left, and click it in the center pane:

5. Once the app window is open, click the Add button:

6. After a few seconds it should install, and if you’ve used adobe sign before, it might even log you into the signing account automatically.

7. If you are prompted to login, click Connect:

The login credentials are:


Password: #4SlamHock$&

Opening Adobe Sign

To find adobe sign later, click the ellipsis on the side bar and choose the purple ‘Adobe Acroabat…’:


NOTE: We have seen some strange behavior with adobe accounts. If you have trouble getting into the account, please contact IT.

Sending a Proof for Signoff

1. Open Adobe sign as described above

2. Click Manage in the header

3. Select Templates in the left pane:

4. Click the Open button on Signature Required – Hemlock Proofs:

5. The template will open, choose Use Template on the right-hand pane:

The familiar recipient and files screen will appear.

6. Enter the following data into this screen:

·        Recipient email address

·        Add the PrintVis Order ID to the Message subject


·        Drag and drop any required files into the Files section

7. Click Next. You will get a Processing document status bar.

8. Now you will see a non-fillable version of your package, in order to fill the required fields, click Send in the bottom right corner:

9. Fill in the Customer, Project, Order # and Proofing Contact fields:

10. Once you have filled these fields, the Click to Send button will appear at the bottom of the page. Click it to send the document out for the signature.

Viewing Completed, In Progress and Draft Agreements

Click Manage in the page header

This will bring up the agreements that are in various states. In the left-hand bar. The important ones are:

  1. In progress – these are typically agreements that are out for signatures
  2. Waiting for you – these are typically agreements that are waiting for someone to complete the prefill before they can be sent to the client
  3. Completed – these are agreements that have been signed